The serum I never knew I needed!


Recently I went to Asia (I KNOW! ASIA!!!) with my boyfriend and his parents and had the trip of a lifetime. We went to a number of countries, but I was definitely excited to see and explore Busan, Korea. Busan is the second largest city in Korea after Seoul – and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on some bulgogi and Korean Beauty products. Our trip was about 25 days total and the bulk of souvenirs I somehow managed to shove in my suitcase were K-Beauty products. I picked up a ton of face masks, thick and amazing cotton pads, a brow gel from Etude House, and some skin care from Skin Food. BUT THIS SERUM. Hands down one of my favorite new discoveries all year!


SKINFOOD’s Black Sugar Perfect First Serum

Reasons you will love this:

  1. It’s somewhat inexpensive! I paid around $20.00 for this bottle
  2. It’s accessible! I was able to find it on Amazon and on SKINFOOD’s website …thank god. I’m completely hooked, and not being able to find it would be a travesty.
  3. It came with its own box of cotton pads specifically for serums!
  4. This is very much a cure all! When I went to the store my skin was going through it… I kind of just pointed at my dull and blemished face and the woman at the store suggested this and I haven’t looked back. I used it during my trip (which had extreme weather) and I noticed an improvement within a week.

(It’s important to mention that I was suckered in by the adorable packaging, but after doing some research- found out that it was a limited collaboration with artist Bouffants & Broken Hearts . They’re seriously amazing in their own right…check them out! )

I’ve used this product for more than a month now, and am so happy with the results I’ve seen. After cleansing my face, I apply the serum to one of the thick cotton pads it came with and swipe it all over my face with one side, and then pat excess product in with the other side.

I’m so excited to try more SKINFOOD products in the future- there is a $50 minimum for shipping on their website…so it’d be silly not to get a few extra things when I’m stocking up on this serum! 🙂

Happy Tuesday!